Sunday, 16 October 2011

Disable Send To Option From Right Click Menu

You must have seen Send To option when you right click on any file/folder. This Send To option helps you to send your files/folders from one location (drive) to another. This also acts as a shortcut key to send files to any external storage media (Pen Drive, Memory Card). But by this trick you can alsoDisable this feature by making changes in window’s Registry settings. Now if someone try to get any data from your computer he/she should have to copy/paste the data rather than to use this Send To option.

 Disable Send To option on Right Click in Context Menu:

  • Type Run in the start up search box and press enter or press Win+R.
  • Type Regedit and click OK.
  • Now navigate to following location:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To
  • Double Click on the Default in the right window pane.
  • Now there you will see Hexadecimal value written in the Value data field. Remove this code (make it blank) and click OK.
That’s it! Now Send To option will be gone from your context menu when you right click on any file/folder. You can also recover this option back by putting this Hexadecimal value back in the Value data field. So it is better to copy/paste that value somewhere in your computer.

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